Why Shell Finance

  • Trustless: Utilizing the frameworks of PSBT and Multisig, in tandem with third-party price oracles leveraging DLC technology, ensures the secure protection of users' collateral assets, eliminating the need for trust or custody from any single entity.

  • Peer to Protocol: Enhancing market matching and fund utilization efficiency in the lending market through Peer-to-Protocol strategies.

  • 0% Interest Loans: As a borrower, you pay only a one-time loan fee (1% of the loan position), eliminating concerns about continuously accruing new debt.

  • Instant Redemption: Once the lending relationship is established, you can redeem your collateral using $BTCX.

  • Liquidity Liberation: By engaging in collateralized borrowing, you can obtain $BTCX loans with high collateral ratios, achieving liquidity leveraging.

  • Enhanced Earnings: You can generate additional earnings by swapping borrowed $BTCX back to $BTC for trading or providing liquidity for the BTCX/BTC trading pair.

Supported Assets

Shell Finance will gradually support borrowing against inscription assets such as Ordinals, Runes, Atomicals, Stamps, and others as collateral.


Shell Finance will utilize the ALEX Bitcoin Oracle as a third-party price oracle. Based on the quotes from this oracle and secret values (used for trustlessly settling positions), the status of positions in the market will be updated.

Last updated